Friday, April 30, 2010

NHL Playoffs

Thanks to Tiger “Transgression” Woods and Ben “Groping” Roethlisberger it’s not every day you hear a feel-good story about a professional athlete, especially not after a horrific loss. This is why I want to share this story with you guys which happened just a few days ago involving Washington Capitals forward, Brook Laich.

NHL Playoffs Betting

In the regular NHL season Laich and the Washington Capitals lead the league with the most goals scored and finished with the most points in the regular season standings. In the first round of the playoffs the 1st place Capitals faced the last place Montreal Canadiens and in 7 games the Montreal Canadiens surprised everyone and knocked out the Capitals.

After the devastating game 7 loss, Laich was on his way home when he noticed a woman and her daughter stranded on the side of the road. In a true testament of his character, Laich pulled over and asked if he could be of assistance. Before the woman and daughter realized the “nice guy” helping them was Brook Laich, he was already changing the tire and apologizing for the game 7 loss to the two fans.

The Capitals may have lost in the playoffs, but they have won the hearts of their fans!

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Heart Sports Betting Online

I love sports betting, and even more, I love sports betting online...I think sports betting loves me too!
Whether its the NFL, MLB, NCAA, NBA, NHL or World Series of Midget Wrestling, I love to be a part of the action and put my money where my mouth is.

Sports Betting Online

A lot of my friends or first time bettors are under the false impression that you have to live and breathe injury reports, weather conditions and strip club outings to be able to correctly predict winners but this is NOT the case.

Online Sportsbooks

Many online sportsbooks offer full stats, current streaks, injury and trend reports that give you all the information you need about any matchup, regardless of sport. If you are new to the online sportsbook that you are planning to signup with they will also start you off with a signup bonus of sort. Examples of great online sportsbooks are Bodog, Sportsbook, Sports Interaction and BetUS.

This Sports Betting Online Blog

I'm here to share with you what I love and I hope you can take something away from it. I'll be here weekly updating you all on the latest in the sports betting online world along with some great bonus news and sports picks.
Y'all come back soon now ya heard!