Monday, May 10, 2010

Phoenix Sun's One-Eyed Monster

No, I am not referring to the one eye monster you are all familiar with! I am referring to Steve Nash of the Phoenix Suns who suffered a Tim Duncan Elbow to the eye in game 4 of the Phoenix Suns and San Antonia NBA playoff series.

After having his eye cut open and needing 6 stitches to sew it closed, Steve Nash came back into last nights game 4 of the NBA playoffs to rally his team to a 107-101, moving the Phoenix Suns into round 3 of the NBA 2010 playoffs.

Online Sports Betting

If you know a thing or two about betting on sports online you know that you have the option to bet straight up on win/loss outcomes, or you can bet on the point spread. With last nights Suns victory over the Spurs, the Suns did not cover the 8 point spread because they only won by 6 points. Although I did not win my wager because I bet on the point spread, I do still encourage pointspread betting online when placing NBA playoff bets. Points spread online betting slightly lowers your odds of winning, however it does significantly increase your payout amount when you do hit those betting odds.

From my mother’s online betting lesson straight to you, please bet in good health!

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